
27 December 2009

Great Reasons You Should be Having Sex

Everyone thinks that sex is only something they want to do or that they should do to pro-create, but one fact is that there are some good reasons to have sex, which has little to do with exploitation or even pro-creation! Having sex is the natural way to ensure that you continue to have sex for a lifetime, and even a way to protect many aspects of your health.

1. A great reason to have sex regularly is because it is good for the heart! Many people are not aware that sex is really a good cardiovascular workout, although a moderate effort is put forth. Studies have shown that sex is especially useful for the male and his heart health to make regular sex a great way to take care of your heart.

2. Calorie consumption. When you have sex, you can contribute to weight loss efforts. Think that can not possibly be true? A 30 minute episode enjoyable sex can burn 200 calories or more! This is 200 calories, which probably would have gone unburned else! Why not have some fun burn calories?

3. Sex is a great way to tuck in a second night. Why? Because when you have sex your body actually releases some chemicals that make you more ready to sleep. Many people report sleeping better after sex, so why not treat yourself, so you are sure that you get a higher quality sleep at night?

4. Boost your immune system. Studies have shown that people who have sex once a week actually increase their immunity to 30%! You can certainly feel better and avoid the unpleasant colds, if you have sex once a week or more!

5. Sex can actually help you get better bladder and bowel control, because it's about sex work the muscles that support these organs. This means you will have better bladder and bowel health.

6. Pain relief. When you have an orgasm their blood is swimming with analgesic chemicals that would have these dull aches and pains more than a distant memory!

7. Studies have shown that for women, regular sex is good because it helps them have a more regular and predictable menstrual cycles. Women who have sex once a week is usually much more regular than women who did not have sex that often.

8. Sex is a great way to relax. Afterwards you will be able to let all these little things just roll off their backs as if they were something. If you feel irritable you will find sex is a great cure!

9. If you have more sex now, you will have more sex later. Doctors have known for years that if you have sex now, you will retain the ability to have sex later. "Use it or lose it" is suddenly taking on a whole new meaning!

10. You feel younger longer. When you have regular sex you will age slower physiological as well as mentally. We've all been looking for the Fountain of Youth does not know that something as simple as sex!

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