
18 January 2010

Creating Brand Awareness

The ultimate goal of all businesses is to increase sales and income. Ideally, we want to attract new customers to our products and encourage repeat purchases. Brand awareness refers to how familiar customers and potential customers in our business and products.

For some, maybe branding is not like a particular aspect of running a business because it can not be quantified directly in the form of money. But branding is the reason people can pay three times for one product in one store over another.

There may, however, with limited resources, to create a brand identity is a challenge. But here are some thoughts on building brand awareness, which will be beneficial to a company if they are integrated with other market research technologies.

They are:

1. Identify and understand your target customers

2. Create a company name, logo and slogans

3. Add value through packaging, location, services, special events, etc.

4. Allowed to invest on advertising

5. Have an after-sales monitoring and customer relationship management

So let us see how we can begin to create brand awareness.

1. It is important that the message about what a brand offers to consumers should be consistent. Big BazaarTM, for example, offers fresh, high quality food to purchase and advertise the benefits that their products can provide. So the impression we hope to make on consumers and potential consumers should be consistent across different media, situations and promotional tests.

2. The image that we present should be consistent with a view to increasing brand awareness. It is important that we are consistent in the use of the image so that we maximize the recognition and positive impression. For example, the image to be consistent about the products we produce, on receipt consumers after purchase, to make bags to customers of the store, and in many distributed educational materials.

3. Slogans and taglines we use should be consistent across media and materials. Once again, consistency is important to convey a message that promotes awareness of a fire in an organized, recognizable way. Big Bazaar tagline, "Is se sasta aur accha kahin nahi!" (Translation: No one else offers such cheap and best products), is consistent throughout its advertising material, website and logo. It provides the consumer with an image of the future consumer can continue to connect with our products. Creating brand awareness, through a collaborative, well-developed global picture is essential to develop a successful brand that creates the greatest possible benefits.

The next point will be how to maintain brand awareness. It is important to keep working on issues and activities mentioned above. We need to be aware of how customers respond to products, packaging, displays, and messages. Always, we have to look for ways to improve the image we are trying to get across. Ask your customers for suggestions. Work to maintain a consistent presence in the market.

After identifying the importance of creating brand awareness and ways to achieve it, it certainly pays well for an organization, brand awareness programs.

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