
03 May 2010

Strategies for Managing Problem Students

When teachers and students interact with each other in class, who can make assessments of each other. Sizing up going on all the time or not teachers recognize it. Most of the assessments will take place at the beginning of school year, but sentences are modified as days go by as the students perceive the teacher's strengths and weaknesses as disciplinarians and teachers get insight into students' psychological health and personal adjustment.

Reviews and beliefs influence how teachers and students react to each other when problems arise. For example, if students see the teacher as a weak discipline they have a tendency to engage in more disruptive behavior than if they perceive the teacher as a powerful discipline. Teacher perceptions of students can serve as a basis for understanding and handling of specific problem situations. But attributional judgments of the teacher may cause more harm than good if the teacher judgments of students are open to change, they can be useful in dealing with students who misbehave.

The list below is a description of teachers for students with problems:

Failure Syndrome. These students are convinced that they can not do the work so that they often avoid starting up and give up so easily. In other words, they expect to fail, even after seceding.

Perfectionist. These students may be unduly worried about making mistakes. The self-imposed standards, which are often unrealistically high. They are never satisfied with their work. They are often anxious, afraid or frustrated with their jobs, so they keep back from class participation unless sure of himself.

Underachiever. These students simply do the minimum to survive. They do not value school work was not challenged by school work and are poorly motivated.

Low achiever. These students have difficulty, though they may be willing to work. Their problem is low potential or lack of readiness rather than poor motivation. They have difficulty following instructions, difficulty in undertaking work in poor storage and progress slowly.

Hostile aggressive. These students express hostility through direct, intense behaviors and difficult to control. They intimidate, and threaten, beat and push, damage correctly, antagonize and easily angered.

Passive aggressive. These students express resistance and opposition to the teacher indirectly. It is often difficult to say whether they resist deliberate or not. They are subtly oppositional and stubborn, try borderline compliance, brand and damage property, disturb the hidden and often drag their feet.

Defiant. These students resist authority and exercising a power struggle with the teacher. They want to get their way and do not like to know what to do. They resist verbally and utter disparaging statements about the teacher and others. They withstand nonverbally with frowns and grimaces, arms folded and hands on the lips. Foot stomping, looking away when spoken to, laugh at inappropriate times mimics the posture of teacher says not to do and may be physically violent against teachers.

Hyper Active. These students show significant and almost constant motion, even when you sit. Often their movements appear to be futile. They wriggle, jiggle, scratch are over leveraged, blurt out answers and comments, often not in their seat, bother other with noise and movement. They are energetic but poorly motivated.

Distractable. These students have short attention spans. They seem unable to sustain attention and concentration. They have difficulty adapting to change, rarely perform tasks and are easily distracted by sights, sounds or music.

Immature. These students have poorly developed emotional stability, self-care skills, social skills or responsibility. They often exhibit behavior normal for younger children may cry easily, lose belong often seem helpless, incompetent or dependent.

Rejected by peers. These students seek peer interaction but are rejected excluded or ignored. They are forced to work and play alone, lack social skills and often picked on or teased.

Withdrawn. These students avoid personal interaction is inobtrusive and not react well to others. They are quiet and sober and not initiate or volunteer, not to draw attention to themselves.

A couple of problem students in a class can create anxiety, battle fatigue, and even afraid of some teachers. The students, who can be the teacher's "biggest problem" if handled correctly can be the teacher's "best friend". They knew the teacher uses Extra time for the student problem before coming to a head in class. He seeks out information and advice from parents, former teachers, mentors and the student's classmates and friends. The idea is to get to know the student's poor work and behavior quickly. Serious incidents do not just happen: Worries collect and build. The teacher who has common sense, emotional maturity and a good training can translate the student's inappropriate behavior becomes threatening, uncontrollable and before direct action is required.

Here are some tips for teachers:

Accept students as they are, but build on and reinforce their positive qualities.

Be yourself, because these students recognize phoniness about and take action on such deception.

Be sure to take responsibility for the situation and not give up in front of the students.

Provide structure, since many of these students lack internal checks and are restless and impulsive.

Explain your rules and routines so that students understand them. Be sure your explanation is short, otherwise you'll lose your effectiveness and you seem defensive or preach.

Communicate positive expectations that you expect students to learn and you need academic work.

Trust motivation and not your ability to maintain order, an interesting lesson to keep students on task.

Being a solid friend, but maintain a psychological and physical distance, so your students know that you are still teachers.

Keep calm and keep your students calm, especially when conditions are tense or upset. It may be necessary to delay action until after class when the emotions have been reduced.

Size up the situation and look at the undercurrent of behavior, as this student sizing you up and knowing manipulators of their environment.

Anticipate behavior be able to judge what will happen if you or your student decide on an approach could allow you to reduce many problems.

Expect but do not accept bad behavior. Learn to handle bad behavior, but do not get sad or feel inadequate about it.

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