
19 July 2010

Top 5 Negative Effects of Stress

Do you have a hard day at work? Are your children makes it difficult for you to keep your sanity? It becomes difficult to juggle your marriage and your friends? If yes, you're not alone. Millions of North Americans are stresses about various aspects of their lives, though most of them do not know how to handle it in an efficient manner.

Everyone has something they could be stressed out about just some people choose to focus on it more than others. Keeping a positive atmosphere will do wonders for your health - and may end up solving a couple of the problems we mentioned above in the meantime.

Alarming and emphasizes the little things (or even the big things) can have negative consequences for your life.

Here are the top 5 negative effects of stress:

1. Weight gain. It is ironic that both men and women stress out about their weight. It is even more ironic given the fact that you are stressed about those few extra pounds will probably lead to packing on a few more. It is a well known fact that the majority of people cope with stress by eating. So put that pop tart and pick up a book. It will help relieve the stress and keep your figure fabulous.

2. Headache / Migraine. If you have ever suffered from a migraine, you know, it's not a pleasant experience. What if we told you these circumstances could be avoided if you took the time to de-stress. If you feel like you worry too much about certain things in your life, take a jog or hit the gym. It's a heck of a lot better than spend the next three days in bed with the curtains closed and lights off, do not you think?

3. Mood swings / irritability. People cope with stress can be very temperamental and often suffer from mood swings. If you know someone who has been emphasized recently, chances are they have also become tense and hard to be around. If you do not like dealing with these types of people, so make sure you're not one of them himself.

4. Bad Skin. Stress and worrying can not only have a negative impact on your health, but can also have harmful effects on your appearance (besides weight gain). Stresses beyond (especially teenagers) can lead to eruptions, skin inflammation and even cold sores. If feeling good is not reason enough to stop the stresses may look good is.

5. Sleep Problems. Stress is the leading cause of sleep on average Americans. It's easy to lose several hours of valuable sleep time to worry about and analyze all the problems you deal with. The sad truth is that they are still going to be there tomorrow, so you might as well get some rest in the meantime.

Remember, everything will work out eventually. It always does.

How To Master Emotions and Be Happy

To master emotions and be happy is the ambition of every person. Emotions are the energized feelings. A person cannot avoid emotions since the impulsive reaction to the circumstances. Emotions include a wide range of emotions such as fear, guilt, anger and indignity. Any how emotions will impair the happiness of a person when the person is hit in the stream of emotions. To maintain a happy outlook, it has become an essential to control emotions.

Emotions are most dangerous when it affects people interact with you. It is plain that in the events of uncontrolled emotion, the results shocked behavior and can damage the other feeling. Thus, emotions are a sequential action, which indeed can hardly affect the whole community. Human history shows that many of the black marks since because of a single emotional break from the person. Mastery over emotions is crucial because it will help you to better shape as a good man.

As told, avoidance of feelings is not practical in daily life; a person can only control the emotions. The first step to control the emotions has to start from the implementation of emotions. You need to first make up your mind to control emotions. Remember, emotions are dangerous when you respond to impulse. The basic thing to be happy is to prevent your reply. The repetitive thought processes and regular memory will limit your spoken nature. But be careful and seek advice from the experts while you begin because the suppression of feelings can cause some other form of mental disorder. It is also advisable that a primary study on the behavior of personal since in many cases is the emotional out breaks caused by reason of mental illness.

The practice of mental relaxation techniques are an ideal way to manage emotions. The relaxation techniques such as meditation, yoga, bio-feedback and imaginative treatments will help to relax your mind and keep your mind in your control. Religious belief is also important factor that can give you awareness. Participating in your favorite sport and art is also a preferred method that will relax both mind and body. Some recent studies show that diet plays a role in the emotional out breaks and hence you mean you have to practice a balanced diet. The step by step self-control exercise is focused on remold the persons concerned in a smooth and happy life.

Being happy is the purpose of each one. To keep in mind an old saying which means if you want to be happy, keep others happy. Therefore, stop a moment when you come into contact with anything that raises your emotions. Take a deep breath and think about the details of the case. It is certain that if you can spare a moment to think, you can certainly develop into master your emotions and be a very happy person.

How to Live a Life Without Tension

Is it really possible to live a life without crushing tension or stress in the modern world? It is true that stress is a natural phenomenon given to us by nature to handle daily problems or emergencies. Stress encourages a man to action.

But stress becomes dangerous when

1. There is no effort to reduce the stress-giving situation

2. Its high content. So it is no longer a simple, healthy stress is an illness and should be treated. Psychiatrists often prescribe valium to loosen its grip on a person. But this medicine is heavy on the heart and nervous system. Moreover, a person may be dependent on, and a long-term use undoubtedly causes many side effects.

There are other simpler methods to reduce tension. Fortunately, the best treatment is easy and it costs nothing. And the best of the advantages is that you get no side effects. Here are some tips:

1. Write Cause of Tension

What bothers you? What causes stress? Write everything on a paper, so your mind becomes somewhat clearer. Only then will you be able to write a plan for solving the problems. Write everything gives a serial number.

2. Overcome

All life's problems cannot be resolved. But you can probably solve the problem that will give you tension the moment. Write three possible solutions to a problem. And adopt the solution that is easier and more acceptable. It is necessary to solve the problems one by one and with determination otherwise multiply and aggravate your tension.

3. Take it easy

It is true that you cannot miss work. We must work very hard to achieve. It is good for health and mind. But once a day for at least one hour, it is useful to forget the work and do the things that relax you.

4. What is the worst thing that can happened

You are unable to pay the next installment of your car. There is no money in your account, check bouncing, the company man will knock on the door, and it had to drag you to court for non payment. You are worrying and worrying and being sick. What is the worst case scenario: you can pay late and with a fine. The worst thing is that you'll have to sell the car. That way you will pay all remaining installments. In this case you can still save some money to enjoy or buy other things. When the work is better you can buy a car again. A happy and relaxed result. So why worry. Cheer up. Bubble of most of the problems just burst when you cheer up and try to solve a problem the easy way.

5. Let God handle a couple of your problems

God made you so he can handle at least a few of your hard problems. So why bother too much. Try your best to solve the problems you can and leave everything else to God. Every day, pray to Him to help you solve your problems and he will certainly do so.

6. Worry more to worry less

When there is a problem there are two options: to continue worrying or solve the problem. If your mind is not working to resolve the problem do not worry more and more. I worry or anger slow cooking is always dangerous. Let it come out in one way or another. The line is that you should worry more and deliberate until it becomes boring and ridiculous. You will suddenly relax then. It's an amazing reversal method.

7. Simplify your life

A man makes his life complicated themselves and get in the grip of tension wave. Too many expectations, too many goals, too many friends appease, too many love affairs to handle - is bothering you from all sides throughout the day and throughout the month. Simplify your life - have only one love affair or wife has a few good friends have one or two goals in life. You cannot do everything effectively. After all you are a human.

8. Lower expectations

Do not expect too much from others especially from friends and family members. Too many expectations cause heart burn and headaches. Expect less and be happier.

9. Find What You Fear

They talk with people and you get nervous and tense. Talk to people more and more, and the problem will disappear. You shudder at the thought of a dark area. Intentional enter dark places more and more and you will become habitual of darkness. You fear driving on the roads. Drive more and more and as you practice more the fear will disappear.

10. Delegate your work and worries

Only two types of people without tension in this world: One who works so hard that there is hardly a place where any voltage can fit? Other delegates as his work and worries to others. If you want to make progress quickly on the second option is creative and sound business policy.

11. Go to a doctor and get Soothing

If you are such a big fool that you are not able to follow the above tips then goes to a doctor and gets reassurance. Pop up a pill and forget the tensions of life. The easiest and the worst solution.

10 Quick and Easy Ways to Releive Stress

Stress seems to be just an everyday part of our lives. We get up in the morning and not stopping until we lay down at night. Sometimes we do not even stop, even when we sleep. We will be up later so we should ensure we get "everything" done. We feel the need to keep going and going. We rarely accept our limitations and feel very angry or depressed when we are unable to perform what we believe is necessary. One of the keys to relieving stress is to evaluate our beliefs about what should be done. If you really feel something needs to be done is a good idea to look at why it is so important and be open to any adjustments we can do. Maybe a family member had a different situation in life has slowed down to faith. Maybe it really does not matter that much in your situation. We have to make choices about what we can reasonably do and be able to emotionally get rid of what we cannot. Discover your priorities on the deepest level and choose your activities based on these values. It is too easy to let life run us. We are always waiting for a better time, slower time or more time but it never comes. We have to make these choices every day. What do you really believe in? Are your priorities, your family and make your actions reflect that? Or are they something else and make your actions reflex that? If your choice does not seem to reflect your values then you need to look at yourself and see why.

Here are 10 helpful ideas to help you relieve stress in your life.

1. Write down your priorities in life. Think long and hard about what you really want.

2. Choose your daily activities to support these priorities.

3. Let go of something you cannot find time to do that is low on your list.

4. Forgive yourself for not being able to do everything.

5. Focus on the positive things you have done especially in relation to your priorities.

6. Give yourself permission to go to bed a little earlier.

7. Learn to say no when you're on empty itself.

8. Take time every day for quite some time.

9. Find a quick activity such as listening to a favorite song every day to help you re-energize.

10. Find someone worse then you and give little time or attention to them.

Sometimes we need a little help getting things in order and know what it is that we really want and feel about our lives. Consulting a second as a Life Coach can help you to look outside to see what may need adjusting. Sometimes something in the past to be treated and released. Get help from others can help us to see clearly and help us focus on what we really want and need. By putting our lives in accordance with our values and morals we automatically relieve a lot of stress in our lives. We are then able to release the judgments of others and ourselves. We will feel pride and excitement to move in a positive direction. Start today with one thing on the list, and build on it every day.

6 Natural Stress Reducers

When you get stressed it is too easy to turn to drugs, alcohol or prescriptions to mask the symptoms and try to make you feel better. Our personal belief is that natural methods are much more effective and lasting, which we will cover in this article.

Stress will weaken the immune system and lower your energy levels, reduce your quality of life. Taking time out to relax and rejuvenate yourself helps you feel better, have more energy and live longer.

The six natural stress reducers and things you can do to help strengthen your immune system and reduce your stress:

1) Humor. Laughter really is the best medicine, and it reduces stress hormones in your system. It also increases boosts your immune system through improvement of natural killer cells, T-cells. Start to see the funny side of life, go to comedy shows, and watch funny movies or TV shows. These will help strengthen your immune system and makes you feel better.

2) Diet. A healthy diet will help you to feel better and to keep your immune system in tip-top condition. Vitamins A, C and E are very good for you who are anti-oxidants (which fight free radicals and reduce signs of aging). Omega fatty acids are extremely good for you and have been shown to have a very beneficial effect on your brain chemistry, which help you feel happier and more energetic.

If you eat a varied diet with plenty or fruits and vegetables you will get all the vitamins and minerals you need. But if you do not feel you get enough or want more than food supplements are highly recommended - always buy good quality to them and do your research.

3) Exercise is essential to relieve stress that it does stress hormones out of the body and prevents then causes damage. Exercise also increases your immune system and releases endorphins in the brain that makes you feel better. Whatever type of exercise you choose, it is important that you do so regularly. Some forms of exercise you may enjoy include walking, yoga, gardening, swimming, and running, going to the gym, cycling or anything else that causes your body in motion.

4) Sleep has a significant impact on your stress levels and immune system strength. We are sure you have very poor night's sleep and then took the next day, you have two left feet and are all thumbs. With a continued lack of sleep, which is what happens when you are stressed, you are more prone to accidents, more irritable and less able to cope with what is happening in your daily life. It is when you sleep that your body does most of its repairs, so it's important you get the right amount of sleep for you every night - it typically is 8 hours, but some people need more, some less. Find what's best for you.

5) Music is a great way to relax. Listening to music that helps you to relax and feel good will reduce your stress levels. Exactly what kind of music relaxes you are down to individual taste, but listen to the type of music that helps release your stress and makes you more relaxed. Close your eyes, relax and let the music carry you along.

6) If you can think positively and reframe the events that happen to you in a positive light and you will find they no longer have as strong a stressful effect on you. Look at what is good about a situation or event, they should be thankful for what you have in your life and just enjoy what life sends your way. This simple approach will help to keep you relaxed, whatever life may send your way.

Stress does not need to be managed through drugs and medicines, but can most effectively be managed through natural methods. Use these six methods and enjoy less stress in your life.

15 July 2010

Starting a Successful Restaurant

Statistics on restaurant failures paint a very gloomy picture, and they should. More than 60% of new restaurants will not see their three-day and even less will be five years.

Running a restaurant is much more ambitious than most people ever see in their dreams. But over the years we have noticed that some elements that almost any restaurant around their fifth birthday and passed. These strategies work.

Here is a list to help you buy or run a better restaurant;

1) You need a business plan. It may be a page or a thousand pages, but it has to offer clear guidelines for your concept. The two main components of your plan is a cash flow projection and a marketing plan.

2) Your restaurant marketing should include the three elements of marketing standards;

Communicate your message to your customer / prospect.

Selling your product to the guest / prospect.

Delivery of the product and meet customer expectations.

Most restaurant owners think marketing is advertising. This is not the case.

3) You must have the financial resources to survive. There are many sad stories out there about the very good restaurants that just ran out of money - although they were profitable! If you do not understand how this could happen, you can better learn about the restaurant's cash flow really fast.

4) You understand your customers and what they expect. The simplest example is the person who is a sushi restaurant opened in Leon, West Virginia. Not a very good idea! You can say one thousand ways, but the banal phrase "location, location, location" says it all yet.

If you think you are the central elements of the above bypass by buying an existing restaurant or franchise, they have almost the same error. There are no guarantees.

Another key to success is commitment from the owner / manager to learn to read and master strategies, sales of existing customers and continually develop new ones. Knowledge and a passion for experimenting with all aspects of customer experience.

One of the most common fallacies New restaurant owners, the idea that if you earn "good" food, everything you need. It is a fact some restaurants serve bad food. Many of the wrong food to the wrong demographic. Research your potential space for a customer profile prior to corporate jet activity will support your concept. Convenience and short commute to affect customers' willingness to return.

Much more information on these topics is available on a new site called Restaurant in weeds. The place has a restaurant owners to give advice to other restaurant managers and owners. Another good site is the blog with a name on a waiting list. Good ideas from a wide range of know-able rigid successful entrepreneurs can sink in your quest to survive in perhaps the most difficult thing in the world!

Creating a Car Wash Business Plan

Prior to writing a business plan to start a carwash, a definition of what a business plan. A business plan is a document for an opportunity, research why this opportunity is profitable and necessary steps to exploit the possibility to identify. The business plan is a formal document or it can be written on the back of a napkin but the mere writing forces you to tank shell out of your head and on paper which helps find hidden business problem and get you to think carefully about each step in your business.

Creating a business plan is something anyone can do, even if you know nothing about business or finance. Although the business plan is crucial to get the idea off the ground, many entrepreneurs defer when it comes to preparing a written plan. If you do not know anything about business or finances, it is the best time to start learning as the chances of your business success will be limited without this knowledge. As a builder will not begin construction without a plan, entrepreneurs should not rush into new ventures without a plan. The old adage that "those who do not plan, plan to fail" is very relevant when we talk about starting a business. SBA's statistics claim over half of new businesses not within the first three years and the common factor is poor planning or under-capitalization (which is also poor planning).

Getting Started

The first step in creating a business plan is just starting. Writing the business plan may seem overwhelming at first, but if you plan to break into bite sized pieces and work on one section at a time will not seem so daunting. Start with what you know first and describe your business and your product or service. Work on the more difficult topics such as marketing, operations and finance. Do not worry about his now perfect, just the concepts on paper - expand and refine later. If you get stuck at a point in the plan, skip it for now and come back later to see more details.

Who is your audience?

When you write your business plan car wash, you should consider who your audience is and why you write the plan. Why? A plan for the bank will be less interested in the exit strategy and return on investment than one for equity investors. Moreover, a plan written for internal use will be different than looking for a financing of a bank is not necessarily interested in the detailed operations of the company.


Business plans tend to have many elements in common. Although no one format that all business plans follow, there are generally accepted guidelines that most follow the order in which the subjects flow are not random. Business Description of a business plan aims to paint a picture of your business and why this business will be a success. Marketing, Management and Operations departments reviewed and a strategy on how your company will compete and operate is developed. Last financial projections show in numbers what you explained in the business plan and marketing costs.

Breaking these three major points further down, a business plan consists of six main components:


Business Description


Executives & Employees

Operations & Place

Financial forecasts

Beyond these areas, a business plan should also include title page and index.

How long should your business plan?

The answer is that nobody at the school for a business which is "as long as it should." The more complex a business or the more sophisticated investors or funds requested will be the length of a plan to enlarge. An average car wash business plan narrative should be 4-15 pages plus financials and additional items.

Business Plan Outline


The summary is the first part of the business, but the last to be written. It gives the reader a quick look at what your business proposal is about and what you ask for. This part is crucial, since most readers will scan this section before deciding whether to continue to read.

The summary should generally be about half a page in length and is what you would cover in an elevator pitch such as:

Place the short version of business concept

Description of product or service proposition

This section should emphasize any unique features or benefits that what is currently in the industry or area, aka why would someone buy your product over competitors.

Demographics of your market

Management team

When the anticipated start date is

Your equity position

How much would you

Exact is the key in the summary. You will later in more detail in the company.

Business Description

The aim of the company description to describe objectively the carwash business data and future potential include:


What it does

Description of products / services

Industry Information

Business Organization

Status firms (start-up, expansion or purchase)

Current and future goals

All facts and figures to be noted and sources in the industry. This information is important if you have your data and assumptions to defend. The business description is where you try to a picture of the potential of your paint company with facts to support it. Try to inject energy and excitement to the reader enthusiastic about the idea, without going overboard, obviously.

After the description of the company, it is time to document and additional products or services your carwash seller. Remember, it is important to show how your products and services are better than competitors. If you do not have a good answer then you need to revise your strategy. What about washing cars is changing the customer to do business with the competition to get?


A very important part of your business is marketing department. Notwithstanding the quality of your products and services, your company will be lost in the clutter of advertising. If you do not know your customers how they ever found? All this begins with some research.

Customers: Who is your market

The first step is to decide who you want to sell by identifying common characteristics of your market, such as age, income, race, religion, education, interests and / or geographical areas. While everyone wants their car wash product How to effectively advertise to everyone and still make a profit? What you should do instead is to identify the person or groups of people most likely to car washing services and marketing to use them. After all you are trying to achieve a positive return on your marketing dollars to create, use them wisely.


In the ultra-competitive market of today, there will be competition, no matter how creative your business concept. Trying to be a part of your car wash business to run better than the competition can be a difficult challenge, so it's often better to focus on planning for the various and competing with them less directly. Can you give a specific niche market to serve as the elderly who do not look at? One can clearly identify / marketing / distribution strategy, a mobile approach? Although no direct competition in your area, meaning a person who sells the same or similar products / services you have indirect competition for replacement products / services. If you indicate in your plan, no competition can be seen that there is no market for your product or you have not done your research.

Optimally you want information on at least three but not more than five competitors. List details of who they are, how long they have been in business, location, products or services offered, perception on pricing and quality, etc., and compare your advantages and disadvantages. If the information you requested is not available online, you can do if you were a customer for some of this information.

Distribution - How do you get the product to customers: By looking at who your market and competition, you will have an idea of how a product to offer. Maybe through your research you will find a strategic advantage for customers that competition is not functioning.

Promotional Strategy

The above analysis steps, the promotional strategy follows. The promotional strategy is where most entrepreneurs as they use the blanket statement that they will advertise in the newspaper, radio or television, without thinking about the process or customer. The promotional strategy offers a map of how you will reach your market in the most efficient manner. Advertising is expensive, so use it wisely.

Sales Forecasts

One of the more difficult areas of the business plan with sales projections. This number is probably wrong, and that is ok. What you want is a figure with a backup data to justify. Just grab a series of sky will say you make $ 300,000 will not work. There are many sources to help with this issue:

Industry journals

Trade Groups

Car wash in similar demographic areas

Industry experts

Census Data


The effects of prices play a large role in how your product is perceived in the market. Price too low compared to the competition and your product will be perceived as cheap and unreliable. Price too high with the features and benefits of your product and get customers coming through the door. Although this is a complicated question, here are a few things in mind.

Make sure you can make money at what price you sell.

If you want to lower costs and "get your foot in the door," it might be better to offer discounts or coupons initially until your business is known for offering.

Do not be afraid of your product or service than its competitors, if something costs more value.

Pricing is the easiest of the marketing mix to change. You may find that a competitor would undervalue, sure you cannot make money and wash your car goes out of business.

Management & Staff

This section will describe who you going to manage the company on a daily basis and provide strategic direction (if these positions are separate). Each of these people need to have included a brief biography and a summary in the annex. Try to show how the experience and training of these people will be able to implement the strategy of the business plan and succeed. Many times the owner may not have specific experience in this industry, so it is very important to their other professional experience to draw and explain how it will make for a successful surgery. Then a brief explanation of the employees of policy, including:

What positions must be filled

If they must be completed (This is important in developing financial projections, you might have some employees come on after start)

How much they get paid (Be sure to calculate payroll taxes and to estimate 15% if not sure)

It is also recommended that the professional consultants and add to your business. These people include:







Operations & Place

The activities and location of the plan shows how you will make your product and information about the location of your business to acquire.

Operations - Explain how and where your products or services are made. A few points to your plan

How your car wash operation, which steps in your service?

Who are your suppliers?

What are the conditions and time to market for this product?

Location - Location is where you do business outside. List what features you're looking for in a building together with the average prices or rents and the path to a small case. A few things to add:

Department of Transportation traffic counts - most countries have this information online to show how many vehicles pass each day your site.

Building description

What is the size

Where is it located

Specific causes for this property

Proximity to suppliers, roads, airports, railways and shipping, etc.

Zone Classification

Average Utilities - Make sure you get the last 12 months of the Electric Company, whose building was occupied. This can be an expensive lesson for a landlord to be harmful. If you open a new location, try to talk to other car wash operators in a non-competitive area to get an estimate

Adding pictures to supplement

Add a map of the appendix

The purchase price or the monthly rental / lease

Including sales / rental / lease agreement in Annex

If construction or renovation you need quotes, as they cover an area is often underestimated costs.

Financial forecasts

Financial projections are placed at the end of your business plan in the appendix, but a very important part of the plan. The three must-have annual cash flow statement, income statement and balance sheet. The information already provided in the narrative part of the business plan to match the financial projections. Most financial projections are three years long. It is a good idea for a financial forecast assumptions & Notes page to both help to ensure that all your numbers come through and give a detailed list to provide clarity for the reader.

Observations and assumptions for financial projections


Break each loan (building, equipment, furniture)




And monthly costs not discussed in business plan narrative

Cost of goods / inventory


Employee wages


Permits & Fees



Rental / property

Repairs and maintenance




Vehicle expense


Something else that must be explained in financials, which are not in history

Financial departments projection

Startup costs - these are all costs that you will do before you open your car washed. It is recommended that quotations are available or in the annex to the larger issues. It also recommended that you pad your numbers will always be some unexpected expenses that were not justified.

Sources and uses of funds - This section explains how the loan money will be used (inventory, car wash installations, repairs and improvements, working capital etc.) and who is (bank, investor or owner). You will probably be necessary to inject 20% of your money and maybe more, depending on the risk of the company and your personal finances.

Cash flow - cash flow statement is one of the most important parts of your business plan. It shows an overview of the money is in business and the costs to be paid and whether you have enough money to support the company to have won in the hot months costs during the winter months to cover. Each part of your business plan is important, but no: one thing if you do not have any money. If this number is negative, you need to increase sales, reduce costs and more money. Your cash flow statement is usually three years of the first year analyzing the monthly figures and later years quarter. Do not be intimidated with the cash flow statement because it merely a glimpse into the future, your bank account.

Profit & Loss - This statement, while similar to cash flow statement shows, but each looks at the effects of non-cash depreciation and amortization to load as an accounting report on the activities of your business.

Balance - The balance sheet is a summary of the value of all assets, liabilities and equity for an organization at the end of each year. A balance sheet is often described as a "snapshot" of the financial situation in a company and the value of the business over some time.

Personal Financial Statement - If you are looking at bank financing each person a 20% or greater ownership position need a personal financial statement to issue to show how effective they are to handle your money. This statement will show your assets (checking & savings accounts, CDs, IRA, 401k, valuables, home, car, etc.) and assets (mortgages, credit card bills, installment accounts, etc.)


Additional items are various pieces of information that can help your case. Include details and studies used in your business plan, for example:

Quotes for items over $ 500

Resumes of management team

Industry Research

Demographic data and trends

Map / maps / blueprints of location

Leases and contracts

Letters support

There is much to do your business plan, but will certainly make your business stronger. Although it may seem easier for others to write your plan, there is no substitute for writing it yourself. This is your business and by writing it yourself, you have a better understanding of your business and strategies for success. There are also many free business plan templates and workbooks available on the website to help you get started. You can use it to help you get started creating your business plan and then modify your car wash business.

Cost of Starting Home Daycare Business

There are two ways to start day care services. You can use the service, either run out of your own home or looking for a full-scale nursery run. If you operate your own home, you can use as little as $ 500 to as much as $ 5,000 depending on the conversion, you need the equipment you need to buy and you need to meet licensing requirements.

Do you run a day care center, operating from an independent business location, so you look at the much higher start-up costs can run about $ 100,000!

These are some of the items you'll want to budget for:

- License Fees

- First Aid / CPR certification

- High chairs, booster

- Nap Mats

- Beds

- Play Pens / portable cribs

- Advertise

- Liability

- Safety devices

- First aid kit

- Computer

- Software

- Books

- Toys

But it's not the whole list will get a few topics with the goal need to make your toddler, they talk about neighborhood and can keep parents happy. Happy parents will pay your kindergarten to their friends and family. You may find that having a well-equipped kindergarten can ultimately help you save on advertising costs, because of word of mouth.

Other things you might want to include in your budget are:

- Training materials

- $ Arts Crafts Supplies

- Disposable Gloves

- Disposable changing pads

- Antibacterial cleaners

- Good healthy food

- Child-sized tables and chairs

- Sanitary containers for storing used diapers

- Stools for a toilet and sink

- Outdoor play space - should be true and a hard surface for wheeled toys, etc.

- Make-believe clothes, props and costumes and dressing up to

- Record player or CD player, radio and tape recorder

- Containers of paints, pencils, markers and other art materials

Here are some other very important items that you have the budget, because if you care for your home runs if you use an independent company:

1. Permits - Like all other companies, a kindergarten must possibility of such a business license, fire safety permits and other authorizations that each State or county may require. These permits are not cost prohibitive. They usually only cost a few dollars per year.

2. Insurance - This is a very important issue and every company should ensure they have adequate insurance. Prices are a little pricey, but pay only a small daycare small premium, while the large nurseries have to pay more for their insurance. It is best to do some shopping when you compare your insurance to buy.

3. Equipment - Purchase of all necessary equipment for your toddler will definitely cost you some money, but most of these issues is a one-time cost and should serve you for a long time. You can get by with as little as $ 300 if you just lead a business from your home. The costs will be significantly more for an independent nursery.

The cost to start a nursery can seem overwhelming at first, but it is still low compared with the ability to make money in this business. What a wonderful opportunity this is!

Automated Bread Manufacturing

In the category of small bakery plants are known for their high product demand and a good return on investment. Bread of various kinds, such as bread, white bread, whole meal bread, rye bread, Kabobs, toast, rote, nana, etc... Bread and have a very short shelf life of three to four days. In some countries. Great bread staple food for the people bread plants at 25000-100000 bread per day capacity. Manpower required for such plants varies from 8-16.Different shapes and sizes are available for bread. different flavors on the market.

Bread Plant, the following processes

Mixing ingredients

Mixing dough

Divide dough




Finally Prooving




Raw materials used in production of bread

Flour, fat, sugar, salt, yeast, GMS powder, sodium stearoyl lactilate, SMP solution, bread improvers, ascorbic acid, potassium, calcium propionate, acetic acid and other additives.

Plant and machinery needed for bread plant

Spiral mixers, silos, Screen, carriers, bowls, distributors, brand interproover, moulder, last proovers, stoves, depanners, cooling racks, cooling tunnels, boats and jets and plastic containers.

Tools like chilling plants, compressors, boilers and cold rooms are required for different applications.

Bread process requires time puts things at the end of the process

mix-5-10 minutes

Travel from mixer for the final proover-15 min

finally prooving - 75min


cooling - 60-90min

Pack 15min

When the bread wrapped in plastic bins stacked, which is then loaded into vans for distribution tomorrow. Then gathered in the evening and unloading.

Defective bread will be replaced with new investment

10 Tips for Launching Your Clothing Label

1. Do your reasearch.

Know a few things about the garment industry before you dive in too deep. At least a general understanding of how business works. Another important thing to research is how other successful companies became so successful, and some guidelines and tips for running a successful business.

2. Plan everything.

Before you begin, have a clear idea of what you intend to do. Try to find things like what kind of shirts you plan to sell as you expect from your tees buy, or they will can only online, or you'll have to sell in stores.

3. Know your competitors.

You should always know what the other clothing brands that you have to compete with. If you are a label based on funny t-shirts, you should see what all the other funny t-shirt labels do. Stay informed about things like their black design, pricing and marketing.

4. Make products people actually buy them.

It seems this step should be obvious, but you will be surprised some of the shirts you find these days. Test the quality of your t-shirts by getting honest opinions of others, preferably those in your audience.

5. Know the finances.

Once you know what you plan to do to get an idea of how much everything will cost you. When you start to produce and sell t-shirts, track all your expenses. Many of these will help you decide how much to charge for your clothes.

6. Getting the with a promotional strategy.

Look, you want a t-shirt to become a millionaire. The only way to do that is by selling millions of t-shirts, and the only way to do this is by telling millions of people in your shirts. But how? Find a way to spread the message. For starters, your strategy, PPC ads, press releases to blogs and social networks.

7. Search partners.

You can start your business alone, but you must find partners to help you maximize your options and help you reach your goals more effectively. Do people who work with you on your label and collaborates with other companies that are of no use to you.

8. Ask the business goals.

How many shirts do you sell this year? As of this month or this week? A successful company sets targets for success. Set a goal and believe in your ability to achieve. If you know you get what you get.

9. Must not stop because you do not see sales of the first day. It is a good way to go. Find out how to improve your designs, your strategy or your work habits. If you are just starting you're still learning, so keep it up. Winners never quit and quitter never win.

10. Have Fun. If you just for a quick buck probably will not go too far to get it. Love what you do and doing what you love and if it is a real tee maniac, this is absolutely the right job for you.

13 July 2010

Types of Holiday Reps

Overseas / reps are also known as Customer Services Rep, Resort Rep and Overseas Rep depending on the tour where you work, but they all have basically the same role. To a successful overseas rep, you outgoing, enjoy meeting and interacting with new people and embrace new experiences and cultures. It is also important that you have a good sales skills and an energetic approach, because it is a very busy but very rewarding work.

The role will often meeting clients at the airport, presenting them with information that is useful and accurate, holding welcome meetings, visiting hotels on a regular basis for guidance and support, shows a high level of customer service and solving problems in a calm and collective manner. Other aspects of the work guided excursions, conducting health and safety of the hotel / s and the completion of paperwork.

Club Reps

There are many different names for this type of REP, youth rep, Club 18-30 Rep escapades, 2wenty's Rep, Club Freestyle Rep However, they are all basically the same. A young person rep is a person who ensures that groups of men and women between 18 and 35 the time of their life on holiday. By applying this kind of rep you will be sent to the liveliest and busiest stations become. The main responsibilities of a club rep are almost identical to a holiday rep.

But apart from these daily responsibilities, they also evening entertainment organization, such as pool parties, bar / pub crawls, party nights and beach parties. And while people sleep, you are asked to carry out your daily responsibilities such as holding welcome events and dealing with customer complaints.

Entertainment Reps

An entertainment rep is a very demanding role and you will be expected to participate in a wide range of other activities to overseas representatives to assist. During the day, you make yourself known to the customers, helping them in all the fun and submit a full and varied program of family oriented activities. During the night, you are in the center, which displays to a wide range of evening entertainment. Performances in West End style productions such as Frankenstein and entertainment events to hosting TV shows to keep kids entertained.

For this role you will ideally be a talent or interest in dance, sing or perform, although it is not conclusive.

Children's Reps

These will often perform a similar role to that of the entertainment rep with their focus mainly on the younger children. They are often responsible for children clubs offer a welcome change for parents, while at the same time, organizing competitions, challenges and activities for young children to ensure they enjoy every minute of their holiday. This role requires a number of important skills. For example, you should enjoy working with children and have patience to deal with children. Their parents just want their children to leave their hands if they feel that you are confident and capable in your role.

As this role specifically with young children are often more stringent in applying for this role. You must ensure that you contact the operator what they want. Many will often require at least six months experience of professional childcare and / or a childcare qualification at NVQ second alternative, you may qualify if you have qualifications BTEC National Diploma in Childhood Studies. You should check the requirements of the tour you wish to participate.

A transfer rep is somebody who mainly accompanies holiday makers to and from airports and hotels. A transfer rep is normally the person who first sees the holiday maker to represent the tour company so must always friendly and welcoming as they are against. During the bus trips to resorts, you are responsible for carrying out a welcoming speech, illustrating the important information about the resort, which drop off you travel and how long the journey to perform, plus the key on when they welcome session the whole set.

Transfer reps must also ensure that the guests booked their accommodation and they turned out and the right place. In the event that the departure flight is delayed, it is for the rep to transfer customers informed of any developments. As with the role of overseas rep the transfer rep may also act as a travel guide.

Top Five Tourist Attractions of India

India, the name itself defines mystery unfold, diversity, charming beauty, rich culture and heritage. The country offers a complete examination of the eyes by offering incredible sights of mountainous and hilly areas in the north, sand and desert in Rajasthan and parts of Gujarat, Indo-Genetic Plain in South and unsurpassed natural beauty of Jammu & Kashmir valley. So expect the unexpected in India. Here are the top five destinations in India to explore and experience the diversity of the nation comes to beckon with:

Taj Mahal:

Taj Mahal is the world-famous monument of love. One of the seven wonders of the world, Taj Mahal, built by Mughal emperor Shah Jahan in memory of his beloved wife Mumtaz Mahal.

Impasse in Kerala:

Moving from Taj Mahal to the impasse in Kerala in southern India, a second audio experience for all travelers. Surrounded by water with high suspended between coconut trees Kerala comes to you as the perfect metaphor for the 'home of God. "Enjoy exploring the countryside in a boat ..


People who enjoy walking and exploring the natural riches can visit Gangtok, the capital of Sikkim. You can enjoy seeing a glimpse of Kanchenjunga mountain ranges, or visit the monasteries to the true joy in the middle and calm collective experience.

Beaches in Goa:

Goa, also known as "Pearl of the Orient" to visit is a must for all travelers to India. The city has beautiful beaches and you can feel relaxed and refreshed after stepping on them once. If you are a lover of architecture old Portuguese style houses, buildings and churches are a must for a dekko.

Golden Temple in Amritsar:

The Golden Temple is an important tourist destination in India. It is the holiest temple Sikh religion. The temple is located in a puddle of water (known as 'Amrit Sarovar') with a beautiful golden top.

A visit to the five main destinations give you a glimpse of the diversity that India is so popular to be known.

Ladakh the Cold Desert

A land of freezing winds and warm sun, a cold desert in the rain shadow of the great Himalayas of Ladakh --- inspiring welcome. Little Tibet "or" moon land "or" the last Shangri La 'are all names given to the cold dry and hard soil Ladhak. A little rain and snow when this arid region where nature has an unlikely landscape. Ladakh is bounded by two of the most breathtaking mountain ranges, the Great Himalaya and Karakorum, surrounded by steep mountains of this country is very different from the green landscape of many parts of the Himalayas, a.

Ladakh, a part of the State of Jammu and Kashmir in India consists of two administrative districts - Leh and Cargill. It covers a total area of approximately 59,000 square kilometers and is related to the geological and ethnological Tibetan region of China, the area has a predominantly Buddhist population Lamaist that the name was a dependency of Tibet. After 1531 it was invaded periodically by Muslims from Kashmir, were annexed Kashmir in mid-19th century. With a population of 10,000 people, mostly Buddhist some Argos (descendants of Muslim traders Yarkandi) and a small Christian community, Ladakh stamp of his mixed heritage means.

Tourist Destination

The Ladakh Festival is a regular tourist event on the tourism calendar. Along with the Ladakh festival. Adventure tourism is a prominent place in Ladakh, a white water river rafting expedition along the 26 km stretch of the mighty Fhey to Nimo along the Indus River is the highest point where river rafting is possible in the world. The high altitude and mountains make it an ideal place for paragliding, mountaineering, trekking and even skiing. Ladakhis athletes as polo and archery competitions are often held at local level involving all aspiring shooters. Polo is played with great enthusiasm that is reminiscent of the Mongol horsemen, this robust game is far from watered down version seen today polo circuit.

Dras, Kargil, Zanskar, Padum, Sanku, Nubra valleys, etc. are wonderful places to visit when in Ladakh. The Nubra sleepy ecclesiastical landscape that was recently thrown open to tourism on Indo-Pak border. In Nubra search coexistence of water, mountains and desert-a rare and exciting sight.

Leh one roof

South stark beauty and majestic mountains, Leh, the capital of Ladakh, the roof of the world. It lies in the Indus River valley at a crossroads of ancient trade routes from Kashgar, Tibet and Kashmir lies on the banks of the Indus at an altitude of 11,000 feet. It is a fantastic and beautiful region watered by the Zanskar River, which flows into the Indus River just below, surrounded by snowy peaks.

Leh is a truly beautiful location with many attractions and beautiful landscapes. It is the center of Tibeto-Buddhist Culture for ages. The colorful Gompa has attracted the devout Buddhists from all over the world. Furthermore, it is also a favorite hiking place, famous for some of the best tours in the country.

A miniature version of Potala Palace in Lhasa, the Leh Palace is one of the main attractions of Ladakh. The nine-storey palace was built by the famous 17th century ruler of Ladakh, beds Namgyal. It is an impressive structure now in ruins, situated on a hill and offers a magnificent view over the city of Leh. Within the palace are Buddhist wall paintings, antique "Tanka" or painted coils and other artifacts. More than castle on top of the Namgyal hill, is the Victory Tower, built to commemorate victory over the Balti Kashmir armies Ladakh in the early 16th century. This palace built for King Singe Namgyal, now houses the Ladakhi branch of the organization for the conservation of archaeological GOI. Tsemo Namgyal, the peak overlooking the city, the ruins of the fort, built by King Tashi Namgyal in the 16th century as a royal residence.

Mosque, Palace and Gompa Bazaar are all within walking distance. Leh Bazar is an unforgettable group of women, traditionally dressed, selling fruits, vegetables and household items, spinning and knitting, and exchanging gentle banter between themselves and with passers-by.

Shey, Spituk Phyang and monasteries are very close while Stok, matho, Thiksey, Stakna, Chernrey, Hemis, Likir, Basgo Alchi and monasteries are all a day trip away. Rumbak and Markha offer exciting rides, while Stok Kangri is the best for an increase. Navigation and the river is also available on the Indus.

Travel to Ladakh


Leh, the largest town in Ladakh is the gateway to the world that can fly to Leh from Delhi, Chandigarh, Jammu and Srinagar, as well as abroad throughout the year.


There are two ways to Ladakh reasons. The main overland approach to Ladakh from Kashmir Valley via the 434-km. Srinagar-Leh road is open for traffic from early June to November. J & K State Road Transport Corporation (J & KSRTC) operates regular deluxe and ordinary buses between Srinagar and Leh on this route with an overnight stay in Kargil. Taxis. cars and jeeps are also available at Srinagar for the journey. Groups can charter deluxe and A-class buses for Leh, Kargil or Padum (Zanskar) from J & K SRTC at Srinagar.

Manali, Leh road is the second land approach to Ladakh, open to traffic from mid-June to early October, this high road crosses the upland desert hats Rupsho topics. A series of high passes fall during which the largest, known as Taglang-la, is the world's second highest motor able Himachal Pradesh Tourism, HP SRTC and J & K SRTC operate Deluxe and ordinary buses between Manali and Leh. The bus journey between Leh and Manali takes about 19 hours or two days with an overnight stay in camps on Serchu and Pang. Gypsy and jeep taxis are also available, both at Manali and Leh.