
03 June 2010

The Meaning and Definition of Integrity

Integrity consists of several words, meanings and synonyms. It consists of a lot of what can be described as ethical and moral values or civilized values.

1. Equity:

This refers to how healthy an opinion, argument, argumentation or a research finding, which implies how free it is from error, defect or decay.

Also, how free it from errors, misuse or misunderstanding, exhibit, or are based on thorough knowledge and experience, legally valid logically valid and having true premises agrees with the accepted views.

It also means solid, solid, stable and thorough, showing good sense or judgments based on reliable information.

2. Completeness:

It means having all the necessary parts, elements or steps, very talented, totally, completely, thoroughly and fully implemented, including all kinds of parts.

3. Sincerity:

This means fairness and straightforwardness of conduct adherence to the facts.

4. Honesty:

It implies a refusal to lie, steal, or cheat in any way.

5. Honor:

This suggests an active or anxious regard for the standards of a profession, calling or position.

6. Fairness:

This implies tried and proven honesty or truthfulness.

7. Incorruption:

This implies reliability and truthfulness of a degree, you are incapable of being false to a trust, responsibility or mortgage.

It is also finally means to be incapable of corruption, not subject to decay or dissolution, incapable of being bribed or morally corrupted.

8. Conclusion:

The question is, where no nation stands with regard to these principles of integrity, and when no one organization or political party stands, and finally, what is my personal position? This synonym questions can be asked: How civilized are we?

9. Resources:

Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy

Wikipedia free encyclopedia

Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary

10. The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy states the following:

"Integrity is one of the most important and most frequently cited of virtue terms. It is perhaps the most enigmatic. For example, while it sometimes is used almost synonymously with 'moral' we also at times distinguish acting morally from acting with integrity. Persons of integrity may in fact act immoral, even if they normally would not know that they are acting immoral. Thus one can recognize a person as having integrity, even though that person may hold importantly error moral views.

When used as a virtue term integrity "refers to a quality of a person's character, but there are other uses of the concept. You can talk about the integrity of a wilderness region or an ecosystem, a database, a defense, a work of art, and so forward. When used on objects, integrity refers to the whole, intactness or purity of a thing-meanings that are often raised when used on humans. A wilderness region has integrity when it has not been destroyed by development or by reactions of development when it remains intact as wilderness. A database retains its integrity as long as it remains uncorrupted by error, a defense so long as it has not been violated. A musical work may be said to have integrity when its musical structure has a degree of completeness that is not penetrated to the uncoordinated, unrelated musical ideas, that's when it has a sort of musical whole, intactness and purity.

Integrity is also attributed to the different parts or aspects of a person's life. We speak of attributes such as professional, intellectual and artistic integrity. But the most philosophically important sense of integrity 'relates to general character. Philosophers have been particularly concerned to understand what it is for a person to exhibit integrity throughout life. Act with integrity on some particularly important occasion will always philosophical terms can be explained by a broader feature of a person's character and life.

What is it to be a person with integrity? General discourse about integrity involves two fundamental intuitions: first, that integrity is primarily a formal relation one has to itself, or between parts or aspects of themselves and, secondly, that integrity is connected in an important way to act morally In other words, there are some substantive or normative constraints on what it is to act with integrity. How these two intuitions can be incorporated into a coherent theory of integrity is not obvious, and most accounts of integrity tend to focus on one of these intuitions to the detriment of another.

Several accounts have been advanced, the most important of them are: (i) integrity as the integration of autonomous, (ii) integrity as maintenance of identity, (iii) integrity as a stand for something, (iv) integrity as moral purpose and (v ) integrity as a virtue. These accounts are reviewed below. We then examine a number of issues that have been central to philosophers exploring the concept of integrity: the relationship between types of integrity, integrity and moral theory, and integrity and social and political conditions. "

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