
19 April 2010

14 Signs That Show if a Midlife Crisis is Destroying your Marriage

A Midlife crisis can affect both men and women. And the effects can be pretty devastating to their spouses because they end up bearing the brunt of it.

The unfortunate thing is that they go through a Midlife Crisis is strongly deny that this is what happens to them. Or on the other hand, they will laugh you out for even suggesting it.

From experience, observation, and study the subject, we have found that they seem to all sing from the same song sheet. Someone suggested that it is like a Midlife crisis alien virus takes over their system. Some of the likely symptoms are presented below:

Midlife Crisis Sign # 1

First things first, what is in your mind? Are any of these ideas (or something close to) swirling around in your mind, or do you actually said them to your spouse?

I'm not in love with you anymore

I still love you (as a friend) but I'm not in love with you

, I have never known anything other than life with you

We got married young

If you were not pregnant, we would not have ever been married

Midlife Crisis Sign # 2

Now that we've got that out of the way, let us proceed to the next item. Think of your entire relationship from start to this (impending) end: It's been nothing but frustration is not it? You can not seem to have any good memories your spouse at this time. Even when they did something good, it was just to manipulate you or make you feel bad.

When you think back, all the problems you have now and have ever had in your marriage have been because of your spouse. They have always done you do what they want, you never got to do what you wanted.

Midlife Crisis Sign # 3

You are ready for the next. Be honest now. Do you really care about how they feel right now, or what they want? Just want to separate yourself from all this "madness". The weeping, the nagging and constant questions from your spouse you down. So you feel you need to withdraw emotionally, right?

Midlife Crisis Sign # 4

You think there are some things you always wanted but never got round to come. You will not wait more until you can afford something before you go out and download it. You deserve to have some nice things, and you're getting them. NOW.

Midlife Crisis Sign # 5

You begin to wonder what life would have been like a second person. You expect that if you had been available, would all the other men or women have wanted you. Then you begin to think about to test your theory. And you know what, you guessed it. There are plenty of people out there that want you. They laugh at your jokes and think you're interesting. They actually believe that you are pretty big.

Midlife Crisis Sign # 6

If you already have put your theory to test whether the members of the opposite sex find you attractive, you may already have engaged in or carries an emotional or physical affair.

When you go out or come back at odd hours or receive phone calls from "some person" you feel that craving for extra protection of privacy, so you take it in the bathroom. You do not know why your spouse have to ask yourself questions like "Who was that?", "If calling this late stage", etc. When you think about it, what makes your spouse feel that you must answer questions as, "where have you been?" "Who were you with?" etc.

Anyway, you hate their underhanded sneaks around trying to find about your business. Even if they do not prove, as an inappropriate email or text message on your phone, how dare they invade your privacy? Anyway, you will have to endure gives access to a case if you can get away with it.

Midlife Crisis Sign # 7

You're not really sure if you want your spouse to pursue a life without you. Why should they go on to have a happy and fulfilled life when you feel so frustrated with your life? So sometimes you're loving, not too often because you do not want to raise their hopes too high. One minute you say that you just can not live with them, the next you get them to love with you. Or you move out, but came back to check your mail and see the children.

Midlife Crisis Sign # 8

You really do not want to deal with anything right now, do you? Why your spouse wants to bring you down talk about "problems" or "responsibility"? You'll just feel good. Why all by asking to try to be fair? Perhaps the solution is to avoid all these discussions, and people. Why do something you do not want to do? If you already have formed a relationship with a second, you're sure they will help run away from all these disturbances. If not, maybe it's the new car, or want to party or clubbing. Alcohol and drugs also begin to draw your attention. Why do not you have been so responsible for so long, and life is too short. If none of these works, you can simply ignore them all.

Midlife Crisis Sign # 9

You go to counseling with your spouse "just to make them feel better." Anyway, you're the real victim here. But you'll just go along, so they will not say that you are not trying. But now, you do not want to follow up with something the counselor suggested, and you feel that you are nagging spouse when they ask you to make an effort in this direction.

Midlife Crisis Sign # 10

You have known your husband for so long that you know what makes them happy or angry. So from time to time, you practice doing both. But in most cases you want to prove how terrible they are to make life for you to get them upset so they can respond with something equally mean or hurtful. Then you drop subtle hints to take custody of the children, or you make disparaging remarks about their habits, appearance, family, and the list continues. It's called pushing their buttons and your time with them gives you a lot of ammunition. Anyway, why not, they pushed you into it.

Midlife Crisis Sign # 11

You play the blame game. You can not really think of any major errors in your own. So you think about and / or say things like:

We do not go anymore.

We do not have any fun together anymore.

I'm not sure I can continue to live with you

You've never ....

I try not to blame you (but indirectly you are)

Midlife Crisis Sign # 12

Your spouse makes an effort to change. They have done some soul searching about how they could have done better and start putting some effort into it. But you think, "Too little, too late". So far you're concerned, there is NOTHING they can do that will change things. All this argument and are begging you down, you just want to move on.

Midlife Crisis Sign # 13

Despite the fact that you are not happy with your marriage and you want a different life (preferably with a second) and you get really sorry if they file for a divorce. Why should they be the one to take initiative? If you can see that they really want to go through with it, you will make things very difficult for them. Anyway, they are filing for divorce or to propose a separation, shows that they never really wanted it to work initially. So far you're concerned, they have shown their true face now and you will let everyone know it!

Midlife Crisis Sign # 14

The divorce or separation finally comes through (we hope not after reading this). You are now free to do all the things you really want. What a relief, you can now live the life you've always dreamed of. You are free to date or pursue your case (if you already started it). Did you hear that your ex has commenced or may be starting a relationship with one another. You are not sure whether you really like it, but of course you will not admit it.

Six months to one year passes and you have all the dates enjoyed your affair to the hilt. You've tried all the things you were always saying "no" to. But somehow you're still not quite satisfied. Then you can begin to speculate,

Did I make a mistake ...?

Was life really that bad ...?

Will they take me back ...?

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