
21 April 2010

Positive Thinking & The Subconscious Mind

Positive Thinking: Positive Thinking is a mental attitude. In this we have pleasant feelings and constructive thoughts and images of our visualization, we really want to happen. This brings brightness to eyes and more energy in the body and happiness as the final result. It has a beneficial effect on health. Positive thinking also reflects in body language, how we feel, the way we walk upright and the way we talk, which is strong and confident. Positive thinking is contagious to say. Our thinking affect what happens at the unconscious level by the communication of our thoughts and feelings.

Positive thinking also helps in easily with other people. They are always ready to help and be friendly if we are positive, they dislike and avoid, if we are negative. It has many benefits and advantages in life. Firstly, positive thinking brings inner peace. Thought force is a great weapon that shapes our lives, often unconsciously. But we can achieve it consciously. Secondly, it helps us to develop and realize our goals and achieve success in life. Finally and most importantly, it brings the total happiness in life. Being positive in life you must work very hard. We should always keep positive thoughts, ideas, beliefs and faith. In other words, we should be perseverant, persistent and determined in our thought processes. Always we try to use affirmations and positive words to improve our thinking. Being positive or not is in your own hands. Therefore, positive thinking is worth developing and strengthening and should become a predominant mental attitude.

Subconscious Mind: is that state of mind where one is not fully aware of the mental activities of mind. Often we tend to act a certain way without our knowledge because of this subconscious minds. Most of our behavior is governed by the unconscious mind. To achieve positive thinking in life subconscious plays an important role. The thought process in the subconscious mind, it should also be positive to achieve positive thoughts in the conscious state. In other words, one should always allow only positive words, ideas and thoughts, etc. to enter the subconscious state of awareness.

This can be achieved by using affirmations like "I can do this", "I will do this", "I will be happy" etc. Although it is easier said than done, because most of the time we return to self-doubt, fear of failure, painful, sorrow, etc. Nevertheless, it should be strong and solid belief in themselves to achieve positive thoughts in the subconscious.

Law Of Attraction: is the magnetic force in the universe to pull or attract similar energies together. This manifests itself in countless ways. The law of gravity earth is one of the examples. This law also manifests in human beings in their thoughts, ideas, situations, etc. circumstances Way Law of attraction acts on humans is that it attracts people with similar ideas, opinions, thoughts, perceptions, perspectives, etc.

In forming a group or team or one political party with an ideology, etc. This law can help enormously in their lives. One can use the law of attraction to bring success in life by visualizing positive images, and confirmations, as it had done in their subconscious minds. This should be done with a strong desire, interest, feeling and believing in themselves and in the law. So this is manifested as positive thinking.

Goal Setting: Each of us need or have some goals in life. The process of setting goals in your life is called goal setting. Setting goals is an art form and it is also a necessity. For clarity, goal setting, skill and concentration are the 3 main elements to be followed or to be kept in mind. The following points must be observed. They are:

a. you have to specify targets in a positive way.

b. Objectives should be realistic and should be achieved easily.

c. Targets should be determined by one's own self.

d. They should be clear and specific words. That the goal setter could visualize the final result.

e. Goal setting should be such that it does not block or inhibit other activities of life system.

f. Last but not least coal option must sacrifice to be done.

Finally, positive thinking can be achieved by inducing positive thoughts in the subconscious mind, the law of attraction and realistic goal setting.

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