
21 April 2010

Personal Development Being A Better Person

The benefits and grow as an individual and in constant expansion is an innate part of us as human beings. We all want to grow more and more, and a definition of personal growth along with a list of personal skills for use in your personal development is essential. Reaching your potential personal and professional development becomes increasingly important as time goes, as everyone wants to get better in his or her life in any way.

Now when considering one's personal development, looking at the want or more with a list of personal skills does not necessarily make you better. Becoming a better person you need to get better and to achieve your potential personal and professional development quicker that you otherwise would have. You have to improve your inner self. Personal development helps one to become a better person and our definition of growth is one of the first things to get defined.

Inclusion of personal development is a serious problem. To make the world a better place (well your potential personal and professional development) we have to start with ourselves first. When your ideas, habits and attitudes change for the better, you can help others live their lives better. Although it sounds simple, it takes a considerable effort on your part. If that is so easy then why not others trying to get better? The theory of self-actualization, in order for people to grow to a higher level, they have to get their basic needs satisfied. The basic needs of a human being are: physiological, safety, acceptance or belonging, self-esteem and self-actualization. Let us see why these factors are important to help us become better people.

* Man's physiological needs are food and water, i.e. basic survival. If you are starving and do not have enough food and water to take care of your hunger and thirst, where would you get the strength from to mind to become better? Only when you physiologically satisfy these needs can you think about your mental hunger and thirst for self-knowledge. Your basic survival needs take first place in your life and then your personal development.

* You must ensure his personal safety above all others' safety. If you do not feel secure in your personal life, how can you try to bring security to others? Your constant fear would not make you think about others.

* In the personal development of acceptance or a sense of belonging is another essential need for humans. We need understanding and love from our family and friends and the society we live in. This acceptance will make us think about doing good things for the people who accept us and in the process we become a better person.

* The need for self-esteem along with a list of personal skills - when you are a recognized person among your people, you think they respect you. This feeling promotes power and prestige in you. To maintain this self-confidence you would do good deeds to better their lives. This in turn will reflect your goodness. People would recognize you as a better person among them.

* Finally, we all have a definition of personal growth, and when you meet most of the above needs, the concept of self-actualization dawn on you. With a satisfied hunger, safety acceptance and power, you want to develop stronger relationships with others. You rise above yourself, in the sense you are starting to pay more attention to other people's needs and desires. You believe in being committed to a greater cause than yourself.

When you enter the door to self-realization you will eventually learn to put other people ahead of you in life and you become a better person, obviously!

When it comes to personal development and our lives, the reality is that you can be who or what you choose to be if only more of us would believe and act on this so we would not have the level of apathy and the situation we see in our society.

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