
21 April 2010

Top 10 Things That Improve Work Ethic

10. Have a ridiculously comfortable office chair: The nicer car, the longer you can bear to sit in it before your desk without having to get up because you're antsy. And of course if you're antsy and walking around the office with a general aimlessness, you're not working.

9. Create a To-Do List: Lists are great because the simple act of making the list gives you something to do in these moments of lost energy when you do not really want to work. By making a list you will find yourself doing something remotely work and you simply can motivate yourself by looking at the large length of a list of things you have to get done! (The Tasks feature in Microsoft Outlook works fine for this.)

8. Be better than anyone: you do not have a lot of control over it, so choose your targets wisely. Nothing makes people feel better about themselves than to feel that they are better than one second. Choose your target-it could be a parent, sibling, friend or even a matte partner. The smug sense of satisfaction you get from besting this person will be enough to keep you driven every day to never lose your edge.

7. Setup Google Reader or Technorati: You can tell that you just take time out of your busy day to keep abreast with the latest industry standards news, but what you really are reading a few industry blogs with Popsugar or Best Week Ever. If having your own personal interest blogs mixed with industry make it easier to remember to read blogs, do so. You may not be enriching your working knowledge as much as you would like to think, but industry things will keep, and you will be able to bust out interesting relevant factoids in meetings and the latest celebrity gossip at the water cooler.

6. Piss off your friends and family: This is a surefire way to free up your more time to work in the office. If everyone you know outside work is mad at you, that removes the temptation (or option?) Going out after work for drinks or spend your weekends poolside with the family. Who needs weekends anyway? Just missed opportunities for more business!

5. Extras: Make sure you have the products you need to do your job. When you run out of staples, get some. If a particular program would increase your productivity 10%, ask for it and make your case. It is much easier to do the job when you have everything needed. Once you get into the niche where there is not much different for you to ask if you will be able to use all these tools to hone your skills and do a better job. You must prove to the business you're worth investing in.

4. Money: There is of course what we all in this game, right? Get job getting you from khakis to get you chicks. We believe it is probably a fact that your work ethic and commitment to the company goes up exponentially as your salary goes up. Be not afraid to ask for a raise every year if you seriously been rockin 'in the workplace. Be sure to do something that makes the bigwigs take note and will give you more money, and you will find it much easier to get out of bed in the morning!

3. Befriend your colleagues: If you have an interest in people around you, by nature, comes with an interest in, how the work goes to them. A job well done on your friendly fellow part will often help to make your job easier, and vice versa. As long as you have a mutual respect for what your colleagues are trying to achieve and how it fits into your goals, you will be more willing to go the extra mil on your end. Eventually your coworkers will reciprocate by making something easier for you and it will be a productive cycle.

2. OCD: Obsessive-compulsive disorder, or Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, really helps in those tedious projects that just need doing. Spend hours at night working on something so dull as to update a database format for the simple reason that everything must be right. Not only with this give you a false motivation to get a project finished, but your supervisor would like to take this suffering of your praise and results!

s1. Care: It's so simple, really, as caring about doing a good job. Have some pride in what it is you produce, or how it is you help the company overall to succeed. If you really love to do your work well, it's really all you need to motivate yourself and have a great work ethic.

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