
19 March 2010

For men how to break the insidious cycle of relationship failure

It takes a long time to build a relationship. But it does not take long to destroy it. Indeed, the cycle of failure, not push, it collects its own dynamics. And when that happens, it becomes very difficult to stop it, or put it in reverse.

The important thing is to stop the vicious circle of failure to move on their own. This can only happen if both parties are aware of what is happening. One of them is to step forward and stop the relationship from the blasting.

Often it is men who are responsible for the new cracks in a relationship. This happens when they are over-ambitious, or move up the ladder. They become so preoccupied with their work that they forget their spouses. Distances increase, and a rift develops.

A ratio can also be affected if the man enters a different context. By doing so, he only makes life difficult for themselves. The more he tries to hide her new relationship, the more he complicates things.

There may be several other reasons for relationship failure, but their effect is always the same.

Early signs of relationship failure

The first signs of a relationship is in trouble are:

1. Using less time with his partner

2. A sharp spurt in arguments and quarrels over trivial issues

3. A gradual erosion of confidence in each other

4. Sharp fall in love and sex life

5. Both will start finding fault with each other.

How can men transform a relationship break

It is important for men to notice the increasing signs of disunity and disaffection. They can not continue to live in their own world and gives a loving relationship to fall apart. It is best to act quickly and limit damage.

This requires some introspection. The men first need to understand why the relationship has run into rough weather. Why is it that their spouse has been so touchy? Is it because they have begun to take their spouse for granted? This happens in most situations. The man becomes so involved in his work that he forgets that his wife completely.

Things reach so far that a man has to take notes in his diary appointment of lunch or dinner dates, he needs to keep free from his wife. It spontaneity that first characterized their relationship disappears. The woman has to wait for her husband to find time for her. This leads to the first boredom, then anger and then depression. In some cases it may even force women to find another relationship that can keep them occupied. The man must act before this happens.

Cancer suspected

In many cases the relationship is torn by suspicion. The woman may have reason to believe that her husband is about to implement a second. In some cases it may only be suspected. But in some cases, a flirtation becomes a dangerous extra-marital relationship.

The man has to reassure his wife that there is no other woman in his life. He can not afford an extra-marital affair to get in the way of a long and happy relationship. He is forced to disconnect all connections that he may have developed if he has to save his relationship.

He will also have to show remorse for what he did. He'll have to bow down and pray for forgiveness. More than that, he needs to reassure his wife that this will not happen again. He will be lucky if he is forgiven. He may well chill forecast to continue for more time. It is for him to ensure he wins his wife's love again.

Where is the cooling of the result of suspicion alone, so man must demand an explanation. However, he should do with finesse. There is no reason why he should put his wife on the wrong foot. He is not settling scores or avenge an injury. He is trying to rebuild trust in the relationship. He therefore needs to clear the air of any doubt that his wife may have started entertaining. At the same time, he must begin to devote more time to her.

Do not forget respect

No relationship can be complete unless both parties trust each other. They also need to treat each other with respect. Indeed, mutual respect is a cornerstone of any healthy relationship. Any man who runs his woman down can never expect the relationship to last.

The man must create space within which women must feel good. She must not feel small in front of friends or children. The man must convey his points deftly without hurting a woman's pride. He must also listen to her with full courtesy and seriousness. This alone can save many conditions.

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