
28 March 2010

Reminders A Gradual Evolution

One of the most vivid symbols of modern man is the image of finger with a ribbon tied around it. This image symbolizes a reminder, not forgetting a chore, a task or an event.

One of the dilemmas of modern man is the need for reminders. We are facing so many tasks, duties and roles that we sometimes forget the details. But it is precisely this failure to remember to bring a negative impact on the many tasks that we have to juggle around. We need to be effective in our responsibilities and forget is not an option. It is because of this that we have a strong need to look for ways to remind us about the details.

The development of instruments and strategies for reminders have gone a long way. During the more low-tech years, was one of the more effective methods, which are either circling important dates in our calendar at home or take note of the reminder in a small notebook. These are good tools, but it also had its limitations, especially with calendar-at-home method, because you obviously can not take it with you. Busy mothers and working professionals are not always in one place, so there was a gradual but increasing emphasis on mobility and mobile solutions for reminders.

Because of the new mobility factor, diaries and Filofax became fashionable. The added advantage of a Filofax system is that you not only have to bring with you reminders of important data such as addresses and contact information for customers, friends and family members. For a long time, was Filofax system and other variants like the Franklin Planner, the standard for effective time management and reminder. The fact that this system was firmly entrenched not only in the company's culture, but also among the home-bound, but still busy family members says a lot about its effectiveness.

But it was only a matter of time before technology will lead to a shift in the time management and reminder systems. The advent of personal computers had a lot to do with this gradual transition to electronic equipment responsible for people reminders. Operating systems gradually included alarm, appointment and reminder functions, which are easy to use and operate. For the more mobile solutions, was one of the earliest progenitors Apple Newton, Apple's doomed foray into mobile computing.

The first really successful electronic-based time management and reminder system was the Palm handheld. The user-friendly interface, transfer and mobility were the qualities that made it an overwhelming success. It is all in one functions (address book, reminders, appointments, word processing, games) made it very attractive for many people, especially those who need power on a computer in a form factor that would allow them to bring it on the pitch. The introduction of Pocket PC's

Age of the Internet has now brought another significant change. Desire for mobile solutions has taken a different route with online reminder service that can be found on the Internet. This is a more common form of memory because not only it can be accessed anywhere there is an internet connection (which is almost everywhere because of WiFi Hotspots and Internet), these online reminder service has a unique feature in that it can send e -mail reminders to a person's mailbox on a daily basis. Reminder function now has a level of interactivity and proactive, which was missing from other previous solutions.

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