
17 May 2010

How to Beat Procrastination

Procrastination is a disorder that can make the best of us. Even the most successful people in life tend to procrastinate at some point.

Many people wind up wasting more time putting things off (or complain about them) than actually doing them. As a result, at the 11th hours are insanely busy around or panic that things are not done, and cursing himself for having delayed yet again.

It has been "guestimated" that we spend an average of at least one hour a day procrastinating. There can be significant when one considers the number of people who want a few extra hours each day. By "just do it" we can win back an hour a day.

Experts have found that 90% of the population ranks hesitation among the top three things they'd like to change about themselves. It is not surprising when one considers that no matter what it is that people expose themselves whether it is a project done at work, paying bills or cleaning the house - it nags at us and increases our stress levels.

So if you want to beat hesitation here are some practical tips to help you.

1. Commit to do first things first. The reason we defer is simply because we can get away with it. We tend to mistake being busy with being productive, so we began the difficult tasks with simple and inefficient tasks. So why not write up every morning before you start your day the five most urgent tasks from the most important in the slightest. So commit to complete the first task before you move onto the next, and so complete the main mission first.

2. Learn to delegate. Often times we postpone simply because we either do not know enough to complete the task, or, we simply have no interest in doing so. So a simple way to get around is to delegate the task to someone who is trained to do so. Maybe it's cutting you down or a business problem, you can just delegate to a person who specializes in this area, so you can go on to do something you are interested in instead.

3. Be passionate in what you do. Sometimes we know we should do it, but we just do not have the motivation to get started or to get it completed. Oftentimes this is simply not being passionate enough about the final goal. To overcome this user again visualize the task finished or the end result and thus give you the extra motivation and drive to do the things necessary for completing the ultimate goal.

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