
24 February 2010

Is the Law of Attraction Real What is the Real Secret

Everyone is lured by the idea of easy money, especially today. Personal debt is at an all time high and personal savings have not been this low since the Great Depression. The Law of Attraction seems to promise riches and abundance just by thinking about it. Easy money right? Law of Attraction could be just a myth? The truth is out there, but it is not what you think.

If you have been to the bookstore lately or checked Amazon's top seller list you will notice that there are several books that are based on the Law of Attraction. The Secret by Rhonda Byrne is one of the most popular right now. Why are these types of books so popular now? We believe it is because people are looking for a way out of financial messes and chaos of everyday life today. In our efforts to be more productive, and to meet some artificial standard that we set for ourselves, we too complicated our lives, and now getting ready to crash and burn. We have been spoiled and have the "I want it now" syndrome. We want a simpler life, a more meaningful life, and we want it now. We want to be wealthy, we want to be debt-free, travel the world and we want it now. These books seem to lift and easy way to our dreams.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with these desires. They actually want, which will lead us in the right direction. The problem is that we can not have them right now just by wishing for them. So is the Law of Attraction a myth? We do not believe it is only a myth. We believe that there is energy out there that we can not see, but we can tap into if we know how. There is an awareness that has answers to all questions and guides the way of all dreams. But it is not as simple as sitting down and telling you that you really want one million U.S. dollars and "poof" it is attracted to you. Unfortunately, it has been portrayed that way, as easy money.

The truth of the Secret

If there is anything you really want, "says one million U.S. dollars. You should think about it every day. You must be right down your goals. You need to brainstorm ideas everyday, which will be leading you towards your goal. Make a list of the things you do everyday, do not keep your goal. If your goal is to have your bedroom clutter free than sitting on the couch and watch TV soap operas get you closer to your dream? Now some will say: "You need some time to yourself and to relax." It is true that you need to relax sometimes. This is where meditation is good and plays a crucial role. Meditate will help you to relax and clear your mind from daily problems. Most importantly, it helps clear away clutter in your mind and allows you to find a clearer, simpler way to what you seek. The answers are there already, you already know the solution to your problem. Just relax and listen.

When you are relaxed it is time to get back to work towards your goal. The more you work toward your goal, the more things will start falling into place and the more opportunities you will see. Is it the Law of Attraction, which has made these options available to you? Could it be that you are so focused on your dream and truly involved in making it a reality that your eyes are just opened to the possibilities that were always there, but you could not see them? We think it is more recent.

Take for example two women who want to get their homes clean and clutter free. The mess is overwhelming them and their husbands get very irritated. They are embarrassed to have someone over. They both work full time and has two children.

A woman is very anxious about her dream to have a clean home. She thinks about it every day. She sat down and made a list of what needs to be done, and have found the best way to achieve it. Although she is tired when she gets home, she is determined to make her dream a reality. Then she uses a half-hour cleaning a particular room every night. She devises a routine to keep the rooms clean. She begins to have the kids get their own clothes and be responsible for their own rooms. She asks her husband to help clean the garage, and to help make the dishes at night so she can get a few more minutes to clean.

As the family sees her get serious about cleaning they enter the acting. A woman believes that she needs a lot of boxes to take things for well-being shop. When she runs home from work the next day she sees a bunch of clean boxes that someone has thrown out, and she brings them home. Was that the Law of Attraction works or has she only knew what she needed and so her mind was looking to fill this need?

It does not happen overnight, but eventually her hard work pays off, and the house is clutter free and beautiful. It makes her feel so much better, and her husband and children are happy. There is no more stress about finding things, because everything is organized. Her routine is simple to keep the house looks good and she can relax and take it easy. Life is easier and stress of knowing that the house be cleaned up, is gone.

Let us now take woman B. She too wants her home clean. But she just complains that the task is just too overwhelming, she did not know where to start. She says she will cleanse the weekend, but when the weekend comes, she says she wants to spend time with the kids and relax for a while. On a day off from work, she watches TV and looks around her at the mess and feel bad, and tells her that she will never have a clean home. Then she goes shopping to make themselves feel better and just come home with more stuff to fill her house and spent more money on nothing.

Her husband and children never help because they do not see any motivation on her part. In their eyes, she obviously does not want the house to be clean that much else would she do something about it. Nothing is ever attracted to her to help her out because she was not looking. Same pile of boxes were safe for her too, but she drove right by them because she knew what she needed. She will never achieve his dream, and the pressures of marriage and family will always be there as an anchor.

Then there was something mystical force at work to attract things to a woman or was she simply focused and determined and took the time to clear his thoughts to find an easy way to her dream. When you work on something, so things seem to just fall into place. It's getting started that may be the problem. You must force yourself to take action. Meeting and wish you dream in itself will do anything to attract it to you. Work for it and it will be displayed.

So there is no magic thing out there that you can ask that will make your dreams come true? We think not. We believe there is a law of Attraction, but we believe it is simply stated in this way ... if you're determined and focused on your goal. If you live every minute of your life to work towards your goal in a form so you will know exactly what you need to fulfill your dreams and your mind will be on the lookout for it. So options that you have never seen before suddenly jumps out at you. We do not think it is so much attraction as it focuses attention and energy.

Once you have achieved your goal, so you can really relax. You will finally be where you wanted to be instead of relaxing and watch TV soap operas or soccer, and still wish you lived your dream. The secret is that nothing comes easy ... it just comes easier to those who actively seek what they're looking for.

Search, then find.

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