
17 February 2010

Building a Strong Business Relationship

When it comes to business and sales, building a strong relationship is critical. The stronger your relationship is with your customer, the more likely they will be to refer you business.

Each day, make an attempt to build on the relationships you have with your customer. Not just to say hi as they walk in and goodbye as they leave.

The last thing you want to do is make your customer feel like a statistic.

Let them know that their business with you is appreciated. Talk to them, find a non-business conversation with them. It could be almost anything, such as weather, sports, film, pets, etc.

Non-business conversation puts your customer in a good mood and get them talking. The more they talk to you, the more they will open up to you to open the door to more sales opportunities.

Or you can keep it simple. For starters, learn to know customers by name, address, other than those named. Say things like, "how are you today?" Or "how was your weekend?" Or "is there anything I can help you today?" Make your presence and feel.

Your client wants to be appreciated, so take a few minutes of your time to show them that you love them as a customer.

Another way to strengthen your relationship with your customer, is to keep a Rolodex handy with a list of all your customer's birthday, anniversaries and special events. Keep your eyes and ears open for when customers talk about up coming events in their lives. Such as children's birthdays and graduations.

When the relevant date approaches, send your customer a card, weather it is a holiday card, a birthday, a graduation card or a greeting card. Just send it.

Your customers will appreciate the fact that you remember them on their special day. It will only strengthen the relationship you already have with them.

There are many reasons to build a strong relationship with the customer, but two of the reasons continue to be crucial.

One of the main reasons is that customers appreciate good customer service. They want peace of mind knowing that if anything ever happened with their product or service that they would want you to go to their go to person.

This is very important because your customer will bear this in mind when your competitors are moving in to take them away.

And believe us, your competition will try to take them away. As long as you provide excellent customer service, your customer will keep with you.

There is no substitute for excellent customer service.

Customer service is the key for a customer, even more important than fees.

The second reason to build relationships is so important is because of the reference process.

A customer who is treated with respect and provided excellent customer service will most certainly refer their family and friends for you. Why should they not?

Their main asset is your customer, then builds and strengthens the foundations you have with them. Buy build strong relationships, you will build your sales. Good luck.

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