
01 June 2009

Education ministry Another dark

There are many who are shocked with the USM's "joke" but to those who are shocked, let me share another story. I have a few juniors who just got their STPM's results this year. 1 of them got an F in Pengajian Am, Paper 2, and a C in Paper 1, resulting an F in total. He sent his paper for a remark (RM50) because he couldn't enter any local uni with that grade for PA. He was notified that the paper will return within a week (still has time to register uni). What happen was he got his paper back weeks after (which is still F), long after the registration date close. In his case, he's still at where he is. ***But what if his paper return with a passing grade?*** He would be a year slower for uni, wouldn't he? And hey, Education Ministry, how inefficient can you get?

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