
23 June 2009

My worst moment in sports:Allison Stokke

Allison StokkeAt the age of 12 our family moved from Topeka out to Western Kansas. At the time, I didn’t realize we were going the wrong direction, but when the truck carrying our stuff kept having flat tires, that should have been an omen. My parents didn’t heed it, but as soon as high school ended, I made certain to rectify that mistake! In any event, we ended up in the country – truly in the middle of nowhere. We took a bus to a podunk school – one of those that had K-12 in attached buildings. The only positive about the place was that we had fairly good sports facilities. Many league and regional events were held at either our gym or our football/track field. It is only because of that fact that this story exists.I was in junior high and a league track meet was scheduled that afternoon at our school. During lunch, the coach/Spanish teacher/lunch room monitor came up to me and said he wanted me to participate in the pole vault.... HUH? Keep in mind that I wasn't even on the track team and I had never touched a pole or even a vault. I knew he was out of his mind and I couldn’t comprehend why I was being asked to do it.Anyway, you don't just "participate" in the pole vault. You participate in the 100 yard dash... maybe. You participate in the long jump... maybe, but you don't "participate" in the pole vault! Anyone can throw a discus or jump a hurdle, but you have to know how to vault a pole.Nevertheless, our junior high had easily the best vaulter in the league – even better than anyone in the high school. So, my coach sent him outside with me to practice before the opposing teams started showing up. The first attempt was a disaster. On my second try, I actually cleared the starting height of eight feet, except I forgot to let go of the pole and knocked the bar off......."Good enough" said my "teammate". “Good enough?” Are you joking me? Again, I thought he was just as nuts as the coach, but when you are 13, you just do what you’re told – unlike today’s kids who (for better or worse) challenge everything. If only I could turn back the clock!
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