
27 August 2009

Against swine influenza A student of a school

The Alamosa School District is taking a "chain of command" approach to planning for pandemic influenza 2009 influenza A (H1N1) (formerly known as swine flu): The district follows the guidelines of the county, following the guidelines state following Center for Disease Control guidelines. "We talked with Julie Geiser, nurse Alamosa County, and we will act accordingly and responsibly with the guidelines count, Alamosa Superintendent Robert Alejo said. As part of a community education effort, all parents and guardians should have received information from the flu in the district, he said. This letter was about how to keep children healthy, and included information on hand washing, coughing and sneezing into tissues, if possible, otherwise the upper arm, and stay home when patients. Della Vieira, county nurse, said that his office worked with the school district administration, Adam State College, and local prisons to develop a plan for the influenza season. "Frequent hand washing is most important," Vieira said when asked what we could do to avoid catching the flu. "It is the same for strains H1N1 and other flu."

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