
19 August 2009

Global consulting company focused on optimizing

She is president of Creative Energy Options, Inc. (CEO), a global consulting company focused on optimizing workplace relationships through extraordinary leadership. With a doctorate in clinical psychology who was a practicing family therapist, she took her talents into the work world and has since revolutionized the way employees react and teams cooperate. In order to facilitate a much more rigorous and comprehensive examination of the complexities of conflict, The Center for Intercultural Dialogue was established and one of its objectives is to help Israelis and Palestinians increase their understanding of the human dynamics of their interaction. The focus is on the expressive arts as a means of communication. Lafair has taught in Europe, South Africa, India, and recently began a leadership program in Ghana. Her most recently published book is Don't Bring It to Work: Breaking the Family Patterns That Limit Success. Morris: Given the current economy, many people are experiencing anxieties and self-doubts they never experienced before. There are forces limiting their career success over which they have little (if any) control. What is your advice to them? Lafair: We are all being put into a caldron to really learn and understand how to be resilient in this ever-changing world. This is a time to take stock and reevaluate what matters to us. One man I know had to file Chapter 11 as head of a four-generation family business. He had to give up a very fancy car for one the custodian used to drive. He feels he has let down a long line of ancestors. He told me that what helped him was my suggestion he take a week and do something foreign to him. He volunteered at a hospital; he was a grown up candy stripper. It got him out of his small ego into a new frame of mind. Read a book, write a book, and learn to play an instrument, or paint a picture, sing! Just do something! It does not have to be expensive. This will engage your creative brain. More often that not, the colors of life begin to change to a more brilliant hue and new answers will come to old questions.

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