
18 August 2009

Having set a new policy for students to carry cell phones in school

Having set a new policy for students to carry cell phones in school, the school board is looking at a similar policy for teachers. Board member Carrie Fox, who raised the issue during at least one previous board meeting, raised it again at the Aug. 10 agenda meeting. "They do use them and they do text messaging with them," Fox said of the teachers. "If our kids aren't allowed to use them, then they shouldn't be either." No action was taken by the board pending discussion between Solicitor Ira Weiss and representatives of the Highlands Education Association, the teacher's union. "As far as policies with cell phones, there are some bargaining unit issues there," Weiss said. The board likely will enact its new cell phone policy for students today. Previously students were not permitted to carry cell phones into the schools. The new policy permits it if the students' parents approve but still prohibits their use in the schools during the school day or after school activities. Violators will have their permission to carry phones revoked, their phones will be confiscated, and only a parent can retrieve them from school officials. Acting Superintendent Lou Baldassare said he is not sure how much of a problem it is. "I never personally had any complaints but I don't know if the principals have," Baldassare said in regard to teachers using the phones. He said an administrative directive is in place regarding use of cell phones. He said it prohibits the use of cell phones during the school day except between classes and during teachers' planning periods. "It's an obvious thing that you shouldn't be using your cell phone during instructional time," Baldassare said. "I think their big concern was texting."Several board members were particularly concerned about the adverse potential for text messages being passed between students and teachers. They said the capability of cell phones to take photographs and videos and transmit them via the Internet makes it even more worrisome.

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