
17 August 2009

Spiro Agnew or Richard Nixon complaining about the media

There he goes again, President Barack Obama, sounding like Spiro Agnew or Richard Nixon complaining about the media. They also criticized TV for showing images of conflict, protest and confrontation. They too would have liked only to see the happy pictures of the staged town halls where the White House staff stacked the deck with tickets given only to supporters. "TV loves a ruckus," Obama said Friday at one of his town hall meetings. "What you haven't seen on TV and what makes me proud are the many constructive meetings going on all over the country." You know what, I have seen plenty of images of constructive meetings on cable, network and even local TV in Baltimore the past two weeks. And one of the reasons there have been a lot of images of conflict on TV is because there has been one heckuva of a lot of conflict by people unhappy with the way the White House in the view of some citizens has tried to ram through massive change in health care without enough deliberation and national debate. UPDATE SUNDAY MORNING: CNN's "State of the Union" featured exactly the kind of segment President Obama says you can't see on cable. Anchor John King offered video bites from town hall meetings showing citizens asking questions, and then he had a Democratic legislator and a GOP legislator respond point by point to concerns and issues in the questions. It would be hard to imagine a piece more constructive and illuminating than this. No "ruckus" here, Mr. President.

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