
22 August 2009

Remnants of a beautiful estate

The journey starts from the southern entrance of Rivière du Rempart. While driving towards the centre, the Schoenfeld Road signboard appears and beckons a left turn. The road is narrow, though tidy and tarred, lined with houses and shops at intervals. Don't mind the few humps and bends that force drivers to slow down and drive with great caution. The road passes through sugar cane fields , vegetable plantation, bushes overgrown with “rave­nale” trees before approaching Schoenfeld, a small village with a few houses mostly in concrete that have superseded the old thatched ones, remnants of a beautiful estate. The name itself spells magic and means a beautiful estate in German. One Staub, an inhabitant of Alsace in France, owned land there and, hypnotised by the beauty of the place, he named it Schoenfeld. It is a sort of oasis. A cool and refreshing surrounding wraps up the traveller and lulls him to a sweet rest and slumber. The village is well known for its “brede songes”, an edible aquatic plant, and the leaves of travellers' trees which are useful for serving food during weddings or other ceremonies. It is equally gifted with a natural spring that is quite useful in drought. People from many villages in the north come to collect water here. Vegetable growers find water handy for irrigation and they don't have to pay for it. Plantations ranging from tomatoes, potatoes, ladyfingers, eggplants, gourd to manioc , maize and sweet potatoes spread as far as the eye can see.

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