
27 December 2009

Life in a Medieval Castle

Most of us dream of living in a castle. We dream of the ultimate life of luxury, never having to fend for themselves, to have our every whim taken care of, swimming in jewels and wrapped in silk. But despite all the glamour that we see in movies and conjure in our imaginations, medieval castle life was not necessarily easy.

Hardships were plentiful, and even the richest people often found themselves living in less than adequate quarters. There was no central heating, apart from the central hearth or fireplace, which would have a tendency to be effective. Of course, that heat usually saved for the Lord and his family. Servants, soldiers and others who, because of the small lamps and shook a lot in the cold medieval nights.

Lord, his family and guests had the added comfort of heavy blankets, mattresses, feather, leather covers, and tapestries on the walls to block the damp and the winds, while residents of lesser status usually slept in the towers and made due with lighter linens and the human body to heat. The lord and lady personal escorts were lucky to stay with their master or mistress in their separate bedrooms. But they slept on the floor wrapped in a blanket, but at least on the floor, they can absorb some of the heat from the fireplace.

Even during the hottest months of the year, kept a cool damp castle and all residents spent as much time as possible to enjoy the outdoors. Oftentimes, members wrapped blankets around themselves to keep warm while at work (from which we get the expression bedclothes). Baths were taken in portable wooden tubs, so that the summer sun could heat the water and bathers, but the tub could be moved inside when the weather worsened.

Privacy was secured with a tent or canopy. And for more delicate efforts, imagine having to use guardrobe (toilet) and has a fresh wind gusting through the toilet. With stone or hardwood seating, use of toilet certainly would have been a refreshing experience. No wonder that chamber pot remained close to the bed!

Life in the Middle Ages began at sunrise when one of the guards trumpeted today's start. Staff had already begun to move and ensure that the fires were lit in the kitchen and hall and have breakfast en route. When dinner was not served at between 10 and noon, they had at least a couple hours to meet their other chores, while casseroles or soups bubbled in iron pots. All floors should be swept, cleaned of any impurities and tanks are washed out.

When the Lord and his wife had arisen, the maid ventured into their apartments swept and emptied the chamber pots and wash basins and wash his wife also began the day's washing. For their part, did lord and lady of the castle's sure they were nice before they greeted their household or any guests, washing with water from their pools, while partially clothed to keep warm.

A small breakfast of bread and drink was taken by all, and then lord and his family into the chapel for morning mass. When the mass was complete, the Lord addressed the day's activities. While dependent on certain members of his household staff to manage the castle in his absence or when he had other tasks to handle, the Lord was the castle's top administrator, when he was in residence. Indeed, in many ways was the lord king of his own domain, which contained his castle, the manors, and his subjects, both inside the castle, and in the surrounding villages peasant.

Often the men got possession of more than one rule or county then had to divide his time among all its properties. His powers were political, legal, fiscal, and also the monitoring of its territory. Like his king, he could mete out punishment, collect rent from his subjects, and even mint its own coins.

Since the Lord had obligations that took him away from the castle, which was often the case, his main representative was the steward, also called the seneschal. Steward actually had a considerable force in its own, because he had to know virtually everything that was happening at the castle and the surrounding estates. So he had to be adept at accounting and legal affairs and personnel management.

Other prominent members of the household staff included Chamberlain (which accounts for the large chamber / hall), chaplain, use of wardrobe, the Butler (also known as a bottler, he ensured there was enough drinks stored in buttery), the cook, the Chandler (as making candles) and Marshall (who was responsible for stables). Each of these individuals had their own staff to administer.

The lady of the castle was served by ladies-in-waiting and the maid. She spent most of the day overseeing their work and supervising the activities of the kitchen staff. The lady also kept an eye on her large group of spinners, weavers and embroiderers who had the enormous responsibility to keep all dressed lady and offer companionship. In addition, the ladies who are responsible for educating the young pages who at age 7, came to the palace to teach religion, music, dancing, hunting, reading and writing before you move into Knight's service as squires.

At 14, were young boys, journeymen, and the Lord put them under the guidance of an experienced knight who will teach them about chivalry, and how to swing a sword or ride a horse into battle. A youth's ultimate goal was the knighthood, which could be attained at the age of 21, when the boys were officially men. Many knights were highly skilled warriors and peace time spent traveling to tournaments to pitch in individual combat with other aspiring knights. The tournaments were good training ground for real war.

When a group of soldiers was stationed at a castle they passed her garrison. Individual members included knights, squires, a porter (to fit the front door), guards, watchmen, and men-at-arms. All were prepared to defend their lord and his household in a moment. Each soldier had his own place in an attack, and his own ability to trust. Some were crossbowmen, archers, freelancers, or swinging a sword. Medieval warfare was certainly a very complex process, in spite of the simplicity of the weapons.

Castles must have been deafening - and smelly - places. Livestock roamed inside the stables, blacksmiths clanged off Ironworks in forges, the soldiers practiced their skills, and children who played when the lessons ended. Different craftsmen worked diligently in the inner ward, including shoemakers (makes shoes), Armor, Coopers (who made barrels), Hooper (who helped build Coopers barrels), billers (makes axes) and Spencer (as supplied).

The interior walls were used to support timber structures, as garages and sheds, and sometimes, stone buildings, also leaned against the wall. Fires burned. The good and offered water cisterns. Employees were constantly busy, taking care of the household and personal needs, but also to find time to gossip and flirt.

At mid morning, dinner was served. It was the most important meal of the day, and often featured three or four meals, and entertainment. After dinner, the day's activities would resume or gentleman can lead guests on a hunt through the grounds of the nearby animal park. Leisure has never been ignored!

Evening meal, supper, was generally eaten late in the day, sometimes just before bedtime. Although not as fearsome as dinner, this meal insured residents would never be hungry when they settled down to sleep from the day's work.

We can only imagine that if people have worked hard during the Middle Ages, they also compensate by playing hard. Holidays were times for letting loose of inhibitions and forget the stresses of life. Peasants and the castle's household found time for pleasure, and made up for their matches as best they could. In this modern age of technological convenience, we have to admire their stamina.

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