
27 December 2009

Love or Lust That is the Question!

So many people experience the exciting feeling of a new relationship, and once they feel as though they are in love. We've all been there, within a few days or weeks to meet someone new and spend time with them, we are confident that we love them and that they have to be "The One". Often it is not love at all, but bright, but how can you tell the difference?

The best way to know if you are in love or lust, is to look at your relationship and see if the biggest thing you have in common is your physical attraction or passion. If the best thing you have going for you is what happens between the sheets, then chances are that you feel like and not love. This is not to say that people who work well in bed, unable to be in love, but if it is the most obvious things that you share, than it is likely that you feel like, but not quite there where love is concerned.

See how much you know about their lives. Many times when we are sure that it is love, we are equally excited about the new relationship, and we are not aware that we know very little about whom they are and our lives really do not overlap as much. Not only must you know where they live and what they do for a living, you should know about their families where they grew up, and even know and interact with their friends and family members. It is only when you know and are involved in other areas of their lives that you can say it is real love because it gives you a glimpse of who this person is in all facets of their lives.

Next, you must consider whether the feeling is mutual. You may feel as if it is love, but if the feeling is not mutual in general, you can classify it as lust. Feelings must be mutual and both people need to share and want to be part of a loving relationship to what being in love. This is not to say that a person can not experience love before another, it's just saying that if the person who does not love you back, it is usually not a love, and you must follow.

Consider what your long term goal is. Do you even know what they want from the future? It's hard to say you love someone and have a loving relationship with them when you want things that are as different from each other. Someone that you really love shares some things in common with you and often wishes some of the same things from life as you do. Be sure to take this into consideration when examining the relationship.

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