
27 December 2009

Making Time for Your Relationship When You Have Kids

There is a tendency when you have kids to put all of your time and effort into them and not giving enough time and effort into your relationship. This is especially true if both persons in relationships share the responsibilities associated with raising children. Although it is important for your child to get all the support they can get from both parents, it is also important for your children to witness their parents in a loving and committed relationship. To ensure that you can give your children this, make sure that you put lots of time and energy to build and maintain a healthy relationship.

You may think that you just do not have time to give something different to your relationship. This may or may not be true, what is true is that you have to make time for relationships. If you do not create the time, it will never be found, and before you know it, you and the person you once were very close, will be promoted, and the relationship will struggle. Now it's time to start making more time and more effort into your relationship to ensure that it will survive this time in your life.

There are some simple things you can do to continue to foster a healthy relationship, even when you have children, such as:

  • Stay up 30 minutes later each night and enjoy the company of another
  • Pick two nights each month, the date nights for just the two of you
  • Leave love notes to each other
  • Make sure you hug and kiss each other every day
  • Share your hopes and dreams with each other
  • Surprise your partner with little gifts to show love
  • Finalize your spouse
  • Ask how their day was and really listen to the answer
  • Call or mail your spouse in the middle of the day just to say hi
  • Talk about your relationship not only your family

These are some simple ways you can be sure that your relationship continues to flourish, even after you have kids. Raising children takes a lot of time and energy, and it is easy to see how your relationship and nurturing that is needed quickly to get away from you, but it has not. You can have happy, healthy children, and a very healthy relationship, you just have to be willing to work to achieve both and keep them both. When you make a commitment in your relationship and have it be as healthy as it ever was, despite having children, you will discover that do so may actually be a lot of fun.

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